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What to Expect

Peaceful Passing makes every effort to prepare you and your loved ones for the passing of a pet. While the decision to euthanize a pet may be the most difficult decision to make, it is our hope that we can make the process as peaceful as possible. 


On our arrival, we will introduce ourselves and quietly enter your home or back yard. We ask that you find a place in your home or backyard that you, your family and pet are most comfortable. 


At this time our doctor will assess your pet for quality of life and answer all your questions concerning the process of euthanasia, or the possibility of medical hospice treatment, if appropriate. 


If the doctor and your family have come to agree that it is indeed time to humanely euthanize your pet, we will take all the time necessary to answer your questions prior to euthanasia. However, you can expect that the doctor will give your pet a strong injectable sedative to help ease anxiousness and awareness of pain prior to euthanasia. Your pet will essentially feel like he/she is falling asleep. When the doctor feels that your pet is ready and no longer aware of pain, the doctor will follow with a second injection (a large dose of anesthesia) which will stop respiration and heartbeat. 


Once the doctor has confirmed that your pet has crossed the rainbow bridge, our doctor and staff will give you and your family a few moments of privacy. We will then return with a blanket and gurney to gently transfer your pet to our vehicle for cremation. 


 If you would like to make payment prior to our arrival, just let our receptionist know when making the appointment. 


Before we leave, we will confirm your wishes in regards to cremation, ashes returned, and your choice of selected urn or package, if applicable.  

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